Before selecting an account that is paypal or payza should know if your country accepts to receive money through paypal or payza. If your country does not accept you not received money from the PTC, so that it does not happen here is the list.
Countries that accept payment through payza:
Country Name Country Code
Albania ALB
Algeria DZA
American Samoa ASM
Andorra AND
Angola AGO
Anguilla AIA
Antigua And Barbuda ATG
Argentina ARG
Armenia ARM
Aruba ABW
Australia AUS
Austria AUT
Azerbaijan AZE
Bahamas BHS
Bahrain BHR
Bangladesh BGD
Barbados BRB
Belgium BEL
Belize BLZ
Benin BEN
Bermuda BMU
Bhutan BTN
Bolivia BOL
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH
Botswana BWA
Brazil BRA
British Indian Ocean Territory IOT
Brunei BRN
Bulgaria BGR
Burkina Faso BFA
Burundi BDI
Cambodia KHM
Canada CAN
Cape Verde CPV
Cayman Islands CYM
Chile CHL
China CHN
Christmas Island CXR
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CCK
Colombia COL
Comoros COM
Congo CGO
Cook Islands COK
Costa Rica CRI
Croatia HRV
Cyprus CYP
Czech Republic CZE
Denmark DNK
Djibouti DJI
Dominica DMA
Dominican Republic DOM
Ecuador ECU
Egypt EGY
El Salvador SLV
Eritrea ERI
Estonia EST
Ethiopia ETH
Falkland Islands FLK
Faroe Islands FRO
Fiji FJI
Finland FIN
France FRA
French Guiana GUF
French Polynesia PYF
French Southern Territories FST
Gabon GAB
Gambia GMB
Georgia GEO
Germany DEU
Ghana GHA
Gibraltar GIB
Greece GRC
Greenland GRL
Grenada GRD
Guadeloupe GLP
Guam GUM
Guatemala GTM
Guernsey JEY
Guinea GIN
Guinea-Bissau GNB
Guyana GUY
Honduras HND
Hong Kong HKG
Hungary HUN
Iceland ISL
India IND
Indonesia IDN
Ireland IRL
Israel ISR
Italy ITA
Jamaica JAM
Japan JPN
Jordan JOR
Kazakhstan KAZ
Kenya KEN
Kiribati KIR
Korea, South KOR
Kuwait KWT
Kyrgyzstan KGZ
Laos LAO
Latvia LVA
Lesotho LSO
Libya LBY
Liechtenstein LIE
Lithuania LTU
Luxembourg LUX
Macau MAC
Macedonia MKD
Madagascar MDG
Malawi MWI
Malaysia MYS
Maldives MDV
Mali MLI
Malta MLT
Marshall Islands MHL
Martinique MTQ
Mauritania MRT
Mauritius MUS
Mayotte MYT
Mexico MEX
Micronesia, Federated States of FSM
Moldova MDA
Monaco MCO
Mongolia MNG
Montenegro MON
Montserrat MSR
Morocco MAR
Mozambique MOZ
Namibia NAM
Nauru NRU
Nepal NPL
Netherlands NLD
Netherlands Antilles ANT
New Caledonia NCL
New Zealand NZL
Nicaragua NIC
Niger NER
Nigeria NGA
Niue NIU
Norfolk Island NFK
Northern Mariana Islands MNP
Norway NOR
Oman OMN
Pakistan PAK
Palau PLW
Panama PAN
Papua New Guinea PNG
Paraguay PRY
Peru PER
Philippines PHL
Pitcairn PCN
Poland POL
Portugal PRT
Puerto Rico PRI
Qatar QAT
Reunion REU
Romania ROU
Russia RUS
Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA
Saint Lucia LCA
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT
Samoa WSM
San Marino SMR
Sao Tome and Principe STP
Saudi Arabia SAU
Senegal SEN
Serbia SER
Seychelles SYC
Sierra Leone SLE
Singapore SGP
Slovakia SVK
Slovenia SVN
Solomon Islands SLB
Somalia SOM
South Africa ZAF
Spain ESP
Sri Lanka LKA
St. Helena SHP
St. Pierre and Miquelon SPM
Suriname SUR
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJM
Swaziland SWZ
Sweden SWE
Switzerland CHE
Taiwan TWN
Tajikistan TJK
Tanzania TZA
Thailand THA
Togo TGO
Tonga TON
Trinidad and Tobago TTO
Tunisia TUN
Turkey TUR
Turkmenistan TKM
Turks and Caicos Islands TCA
Tuvalu TUV
Uganda UGA
Ukraine UKR
United Arab Emirates ARE
United Kingdom GBR
United States USA
United States Minor Outlying Islands UMO
Uruguay URY
Uzbekistan UZB
Vanuatu VUT
Vatican City State VAT
Venezuela VEN
Viet Nam VNM
Virgin Islands (British) VGB
Virgin Islands (U.S.) VIR
Wallis and Futuna Islands WLF
Yemen YEM
Zambia ZMB
Countries that accept payment via paypal:
It's all there now you now what type account you must have!